Felix Jacomino

But, but… I’m too busy to blog!

I sure am busy! Miami Device, researching new website possibilities at work, sharing all the responsibilities my new associate and I will need to split between us, wifi issues, ISP decisions, steering committee commitments, family life, me time, etc., etc...

Just when I think I'm too busy to blog, I then think about a couple of friends, Todd Nesloney & George Couros. Busy?? These principals define the very word! Yet they have some of the most read, shared, and engaging blogs in the edusphere! I recently read 5 Tips for New Bloggers on Kasey Bell's excellent ShakeUpLearning site as well as Starr Sackstein's book, Blogging for Educators and one thing is clear... I can blog. I do have the time. I simply need to commit. The other takeaway from anyone who writes about getting started and sticking to it is not worrying too much about length or perfection (I'm sure I'll catch several choices made herein that I'd like to change once I reread this later).

51UKLwjPUnL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_So, here it goes... A commitment to blogging on a regular basis. For me, for now, more than anyone else. If you're not me and you're reading this, I'm sorry and thank you as well. Hopefully this'll be the worst of many future posts.

One thing I do promise is to write for the ultimate goal of contributing to the betterment of education. I hope to reach teachers, administrators, educational consultants, vendors in the education field, and all those looking into entering into this challenging yet rewarding world.

Will I ever post about other topics? Well, I think that... squirrel!! Yes. Yes, I will.


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